Our Black Ridge (Glenmona) site team recently welcomed Programme Managers from WomensTEC.

The Braidwater Group’s HR Manager, Aisling Conway (far left) and Colin Britton, Contracts Manager (far right), pictured with the WomensTEC programme managers.

Based in Belfast, WomensTEC is Northern Ireland’s largest quality provider of training for women in non-traditional skills.

Black Ridge – one of the largest housing developments in Northern Ireland, is a new mixed-use urban village developed by Apex Housing Association (Apex) under the guidance of leading house builder BW Social Affordable Housing, which is part of the Braidwater Group. 

Work first commenced on the site early in 2021 and the development will mature with over 650 social dwellings on the 75-acre site in the west of Belfast.

Aisling Conway, HR Manager for the Braidwater Group, explained the aim of the visit:

‘’The Programme Managers attended the site as an introduction to the project and covered the scope, timelines, information about the key stakeholders involved as well as a walkthrough to get an overall sense of the scale.

‘’The team also explained the layout of the site, including the different sectors which comprise of residential, utility and commercial. 

‘’We were delighted to welcome the Programme Managers to Black Ridge, and we hope they all left with a better understanding of the project and an insight into one of Northern Ireland’s largest residential developments.’’